Attention Busy Mamas!

  • Can't find the time in your day to make time for yourself?
  • You push your self-care routine until the end of the day, and find yourself sound asleep in your toddler's bed by 7pm?
  • You find yourself constantly yelling at your kids, even though deep down this isn't the type of mom that you want to be.
  • Feel like you don't have time, aren't worthy, or you just don't know where to start on your self-care journey.

You are ready:

  • To yell less at your children, so that you can feel like that calm and patient mom you want to be!
  • Have a daily self-care routine that fits YOUR life and schedule!
  • Release the guilt around taking time for yourself, so that you can enjoy your yoga class without feeling like the whole house will fall apart.
  • You are ready to find a balance between busy mom life and self-care practices.

During the Peaceful Mama Refresh you will unpack one of your limiting beliefs around self-care.

What's included?

  • 6 days of 1:1 Spiritual Coaching via Chat
  • Identify limiting beliefs around self-care and I will give you the tools and encouragement to break through these beliefs.
  • We will create an achievable goal around your self-care routine for you to start implementing right away.
  • Daily Journal Prompts

Once you begin to take care of yourself and develop a self-care routine, you will have more energy to care for your family.

Why Coaching via Voxer?

  • You won't have to try and clear your schedule, find a babysitter, or have your kids running wild for multiple zoom chats!
  • Simply, send a message through Voxer and I will reply between the hours of 10am-5pmEST.
  • No waiting for a zoom call to share a tough moment or celebrate a win!

After purchase:

I will email you within 24hrs to set up your coaching week!